
Being Black

Blacks and Hispanics account for a small percentage of the tech workforce. The culture and recruiting methods of tech companies seem to have a lot to do with it. Most of us pursue other fields because of the lack of diversity and the negative things that go along with it. When a student of color is looking at the numbers from tech giants, they are going to be turned off and leary about taking a job there. They do not want to be the token.

Being A Woman

Women of all cultures are also underrepresented in the tech industry. The gender gap in the IT field will continue to get worse unless young girls are encouraged and educated. A lack of role models in technology is one of the main reasons why girls shy away from this career path. According to CompTIA, only 37% of girls age 10-17 know of someone with an IT job. Girls need to see and hear about women working in the field so that they can feel confident and capable. Exposing girls to technology concepts before middle school can spark their interest in pursuing an IT career.

Being A Black Woman

Being a black woman in a white male-dominated field has its challenges. We all have our own unique stories or nightmares to share, but hope lies in the next generation. This is a positive message to bring more black girls and other underrepresented youth into the technology field. As more technological jobs become available, underrepresented groups should be encouraged to follow these career paths.